We finally had our sweet, sweet baby! About a week over due, but he just wasn’t ready I guess.
Ryker Charles Charchenko | Born 10.13.12 | 7 pounds 8 ounces | 19.5 inches long | Pure Sweetness (if I do say so my self)

Ryker at one day old
Here are a few ‘snapshots’ from the hospital.
his brothers and sister are just smitten
last day at the hospital, everyone was ready to bring their new brother home

Ready to leave and hop in the truck for his first ‘ride’
Our family is adjusting great and Ryker has fit right in like he was just supposed to be here. The big kids are so in love with him and just can’t get enough. The sight of them loving and kissing all over him is just so heart warming, I can’t even explain. Ryker has been just a dream baby, so far. I know he’s only 5 days old and things will change, but I am enjoying every second I have to snuggle with him and relish his smallness. It’s very different than when I had the other 3 kids. I was such a crazed mom during the other kids baby stage and was busy with the other kids and their business, that I don’t think I took the time to really sit, enjoy and realize what a blessing babies are.
Thank you to everyone for their thoughts and support and prayers through the whole pregnancy and these first few days. I am a truly blessed, BLESSED girl.
Love & xo