Look at Mr. Ciran… What a cutie. His mom made this adorable hat too.
Even Families with “big kids” have photos taken
This family was just so great and we had a blast doing their photos on this particular evening last July. Remember that even though you have grown kids that are out of the house, it doesn’t mean you can’t have family photos taken…. just look at how great these are and the memories they captured.

When I was shooting the before posted Urban Session, Briar came along to assist. My kids do periodically assist me in my sessions, and will probably be helping more this summer with my growing belly. I’ll need them to run around and get things as well as jump and make funny faces for kids 🙂 They do a great job. Since Briar was along this day, we had to stop and get a few of her too.
She’s quite the rocker!