This was one of my favorite sessions that kicked off my summer season. What a FUN family.
Well, I am officially on maternity leave! Wahoo….. BUT the baby isn’t here as of yet, my due date was yesterday (October 7th). Is it even ok to say I am patiently waiting? Cuz I am not, I am pretty much ready to have this little bundle and getting more anxious and crabby by the day. If you’ve ever been 40 weeks pregnant, you’d understand. If not, you’re lucky (especially the dad’s out there — UG!)
So I am going to try and blog a bit today. Some of the sessions go back to last year…. yes, last year.
I hate to wish for snow, but I am hoping when I am back shooting come November, we can get some fun wintery sessions in. Last year was sort-of a bust with snow here in Minnesota. I seriously think that this session was maybe one of the only days that it did snow.
And since our family has so many awesome “hockey friends” I am hoping to have a mini session geared towards those families. Isn’t this just precious? If you are interested in a hockey themed Mini Session, let me know. I plan to set one up at a cool outdoor rink (again, pending the weather cooperates).