This is one of my favorite families. They’ve been coming to me for 2 years since Ryder was a newborn — oh that was one of my most hilarious newborn sessions. I was waiting for my studio to be finished so we had their session in my home and let’s just say there was no shortage of poop and pee, everywhere. Good thing I am NOT afraid of a little poopie and pee pee.
Here is BIG Brother Ryder at 2 years old, such a handsome boy and quite the ham.
This photo of Ryder just checking out his sister and not yet too sure of her cracks me up.I am sure after a few weeks now, he is loving all over her.
Now here are sweet little Hailey’s photos to debut… I can’t wait to watch her grow too.
Thanks for coming guys, always so much fun to see you.
xo Paula